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Data Privacy Statement

I. Name and Address of the Responsible Body

The Responsible Body within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulations [DSGVO] and other national data protection regulations of the member states as well as other data protection law regulations is:

Firm: Arias GmbH
Street, No: Am Winkelstück 12
Post Code, Town: 58239 Schwerte
Country: Germany
Tel number: +49 2304 97112-0
E-mail-address: info(at)arias.de
Website: www.arias.de

II. Contact data of the Data Protection Officer

E-mail address datenschutz@arias.de

III. General information about Data Processing

1. Extent to which personal data is processed

As a matter of principle we only process the personal data of our Users insofar as this is necessary to provide a functioning website as well as our content and performances. Normally we only process the personal data of our Users after we have obtained their consent thereto. An exception will apply in those cases in which it is not possible for us to obtain consent in advance for factual reasons and data processing is allowed by law.

2. The legal basis for processing personal data

Insofar as we do obtain the consent of the person concerned processing their personal data, Article 6 Para 1 a) of the EU General Data Processing Regulations [DSGVO] shall be regarded as the legal basis.

When processing personal data required to fulfil a contract, a party to which is the person concerned, Article 6 Para 1b [DSGVO] shall be regarded as the basis. This shall also apply for processing operations required to carry our pre-contractual measures.

Insofar as personal data has to be processed to fulfil a legal obligation incumbent upon our business, Article 6 Para 1 c DSGVO shall apply as the legal basis.

In the event that vital interests of the person concerned or of another natural person render it necessary to process personal data, Article 6 Para 1 d shall be regarded as the legal basis. If data processing is necessary to protect a justified interest of our business, or of a third party and if the interests, basic rights, and the basic freedoms of the person concerned do not prevail over the first-named interests, Article 6 Para 1f DSGVO shall serve as the legal basis for processing.

3. Data deletion and storage period

The personal data of the person concerned will be deleted, or blocked, as soon as the purpose for which it is being saved no longer applies. The data may, moreover, be saved if provision has been made for this by European or national legislatures in EU legal directives, laws or other regulations, to which the Responsible Body is subject. The data shall also be blocked or deleted in those cases in which a storage period laid down by the named regulations expires, unless it is necessary to continue storing the data in order to enter into, or fulfil, a contract.

IV. Provision of the website

1. Description and scope of data processing

On each occasion that our website is called up, it automatically logs data and information about the computer system of the computer calling up the website. When doing so, the following data is collected:

(1) Information about the browser model and the version used;
(2) The User’s operating system;
(3) The User’s internet service provider;
(4) The User’s IP address;
(5) Date and time of access;
(6) Websites, from which the User’s system visited our website;

The data is likewise saved in our system’s logfiles. Not affected by this are the IP addresses of the User, or other data, facilitating data allocation to a User. This data will not be saved together with other personal data of the User.

2. Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for storing data and logfiles on a temporary basis is Article 6 Para 1 f) DSGVO

3. Purpose of data processing

IP addresses have to be saved by the system on a temporary basis to facilitate the delivery of the website to the User’s computer. For this the User’s IP address will have to remain in storage for the duration of the session.

Data will be saved in logfiles to ensure that the website functions properly. Added to which, the data enables us to optimise the website and to ensure that our technical information systems are secure. The data will not be analysed for marketing purposes in connection with this.

Our justified interest in data processing is also attributable to these purposes in accordance with Article 6 Para 1 f DSGVO.

4. Duration of data storage

The data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for achieving the purpose for which it was collected. In the event that data is collected to provide the website, this will be the case if the respective session is over.

In the event that data is saved in logfiles, this will be the case after no later than 30 days. Data must not be saved after 30 days have elapsed.

5. Option to raise an objection and to prevent data from being saved

It is absolutely essential that data is logged to provide the website and the data has to be saved (in logfiles) to operate the website. Consequently the User shall not be entitled to any right of objection thereto.

V. Use of Cookies

1. Description and extent to which data is processed

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are textfiles which are saved in the internet browser or by the internet browser on the User’s computer system. If a User calls up a website, a cookie can be saved on the User’s operating system. This cookie will contain a character string making it possible to identify the browser clearly when it calls up our website again.

We use cookies to make our website User-friendly. Some elements of our website need to have them so that the browser calling up our website can be identified even after changing pages.

The data collected in this way about the User will be anonymised by means of technical precautions. Therefore it will no longer be possible to allocate data to the User calling up the website. The data will not be saved together with the User’s other personal data.

When calling up our website the Users will be informed by means of an information banner that cookies are used for the purpose of analysis and there will be a reference made to this data privacy statement. In connection with this, there will also be a reference as to how the User can prevent cookies from being saved on his PC by adjusting his browser settings accordingly.

2. The legal basis for Data Processing

The legal basis for processing personal data by using cookies necessary for technical reasons is Article 6 Para 1 f) DSGVO.

3. The purpose of Data Processing

The purpose for using technically necessary cookies is to make it easier for Users to use our website. Some functions of our website cannot be offered if cookies are not used. To this end it is necessary for the browser to be recognised even after a page change has taken place.

We need cookies for the following applications:

(1) Language setting acquisition

The User data collected through technically necessary cookies will not be used to generate User profiles.

4. Duration of storage, Option to raise an objection and to prevent data from being saved

Cookies will be saved on the User’s computer and sent from this to our website. Consequently, you as the User will also have full control of how the cookies are used. By changing the settings in your internet browser you can deactivate, or restrict, the transmission of cookies. Cookies already saved may be deleted at any time. This may also be done automatically. If cookies are deactivated for our website, it is quite possible that it will no longer be possible to have full use of all the website functions.

VI. Unused

VII. Registration

At present there is no option to register onto our website, or to enter a customer log-in.

VIII. E-mail contact

1. Description and extent to which data is processed

On our website there is a link making it possible to contact us by e-mail. When using the relevant link no data will be saved technically on the website. The only means of contacting us is via the e-mail address , and this will be done independently of the website.

Data we acquire in connection with this will not be passed on to third parties. The data will only be used for handling and processing the conversation.

2. Legal basis for processing data

The legal basis for processing data is the consent granted by the User in accordance with Article 6 Para 1 a) DSGVO.

The legal basis for processing data sent in the course of sending in an e-mail to us is Article 6 Para 1 f) DSGVO.

If contact made by e-mail results in a contract being signed, Article 6 Para 1 b DSGVO will be an additional legal basis for processing.

IX. Unused

X. Firms’ contact details

Data from potential customers and customers accruing from day-to-day processes and which is collected for the purposes of setting up an order, the fulfilment of a contract, and to maintain business relationships shall be saved in our PC for the purposes required. Data may be received in different ways (written correspondence, electronic written correspondence, business cards, publications in the websites etc.).

XI. Your rights as a Person affected (DSGVO Article 12-22 and Article 34)

(1) You have the following rights with regard to the personal data concerning you:

  • Right to information (Article 15),
  • Right to have data corrected or deleted (Article 16 and Article 17),
  • Right to have data processing restricted (Article 18),
  • Right to object to data being processed (Article 21),
  • Right to have data transferrable (Article 20).

(2) If you have the right to assert a claim with the Responsible body to have data held about you corrected, deleted, the Responsible body shall be obliged to notify all recipients to whom the personal data concerning you has been disclosed that the personal data is to be corrected, or deleted, or that processing is to be restricted, unless this turns out to be impossible or entails a disproportional expense (Article 19).

You shall be entitled to be informed by the Responsible Body of the identity of these recipients (Article 15 Para 1 c).

(3) You are entitled to revoke your data privacy law declarations of consent at any time. The lawful nature of the processing carried out hitherto up until revocation shall not be affected by revocation of your consent (Article 7 Para 3 DSGVO).

(4) You are entitled to not be subjected to a decision based exclusively on automated processing – including profiling – and becoming legally effective against you or highly detrimental to you in a similar way. This shall not apply if the decision is made with your express consent, is allowed on the basis of the legal regulations to be applied or is necessary for entering into or fulfilling an agreement/contract entered into between you and us (Article 22).

(5) You will, moreover, be entitled to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority about how your personal data has been processed by us (Article 15 Para 1 f).

Date of drafting: 01.04.2019